Dressing Rooms

The Calderwood Pavilion has six dressing rooms that serve all performance spaces. Dressing rooms are assigned by the needs of the companies in both the Wimberly and Roberts, and there is not a specific set of dressing rooms that a company is assigned when in a particular space. Here are our dressing room usage guidelines:

All dressing rooms have an 8.5"x11" sign holder (in portrait orientation) affixed to the door. Companies are welcome to add a sign detailing who is in that dressing room and what production they are a part of.

For all Wimberly or Roberts rentals, 2 or more dressing rooms are included in the rental price. Dressing room assignments are show dependent, and we cannot guarantee more than two dressing rooms to any company without taking into account the other activities of the facility.

Second Floor Dressing Rooms

All dressing rooms are equipped with a sink

Dressing room stations are equipped with large mirrors, incandescent lighting that mimicks stage lighting, and plenty of outlets

Dressing Rooms

Including their approximate size and seating capacities

1st Floor

Dressing Room 1


12' x 8'

Seats 3

1st Floor

Dressing Room 2


11' x 8'

Seats 3

2nd Floor

Dressing Room 3


20' x 7'

Seats 5

2nd Floor

Dressing Room 4


21' x 7'-6"

Seats 5

2nd Floor

Dressing Room 5


24'-6" x 9'

Seats 7

This space is attached to the gallery of the Roberts, and is always designated to be a dressing room for the company occupying that space

2nd Floor

Dressing Room 6


21'-6" x 9'

Seats 7

360° Views from inside the spaces:

(Works best on desktop)

For more information about these spaces, please reach out to:

Taylor Ness

Calderwood Pavilion Operations Supervisor
