Softgoods & Curtains

The Calderwood Pavilion's theatres come with a full inventory of softgoods and masking intended for theatrical productions. These inventories come with the rental cost of the Virginia Wimberly Theatre and/or the Roberts Studio Theatre, and cannot be used in spaces other than what they were intended for.

Virginia Wimberly Theatre Softgoods Inventory

Borders [5 in stock]

6'-0" Tall, 46'-0" Wide

25oz Black Memorable Velour

Requires batten extensions on both sides for full width

Bottom pipes are available for all full-stage width goods

Legs [12 in stock]

25'-0" Tall, 10'-0" Wide

25oz Black Memorable Velour

When the battens are flown all the way out, these legs are just 3'-0" off the ground

Tabs [6 in stock]

23'-0" Tall, 10'-0" Wide

25oz Black Memorable Velour

These are permanenetly installed running upstage/downstage on both sides of the space beneath the galleries. Three per side.

2-Part Traveler and Track

Total Width 46'-0"

Travel Width 42'-0"

25'-0" Tall, 23'-0" Wide Panel A

25'-0" Tall, 25'-0" Wide Panel B

25oz Black Memorable Velour

Traveler track and pully system are available upon advance request and assistance with installation is available.

White Cyclorama

20'-0" Tall, 42'-0" Wide

Bleached White Muslin

Bottom pipes are available for all full-stage width goods.

Black Sharkstooth Scrim

28'-0" Tall, 46'-0" Wide

Bottom pipes are available for all full-stage width goods

Requires batten extensions on both sides for full width.

White Sharkstooth Scrim

27'-0" Tall, 46'-0" Wide

Bleached White Muslin

Bottom pipes are available for all full-stage width goods.

Requires batten extensions on both sides for full width.

White Rear-Projection Screen

27'-0" Tall, 46'-0" Wide

Bottom pipes are available for all full-stage width goods.

Requires batten extensions on both sides for full width.

Roberts Studio Theatre Softgoods Inventory

Borders [0 In Stock]

The Roberts Studio Theatre does not have any borders in inventory. If your production requires them, please contact us for more information.

Image of four black curtains that are 17 feet 6 inches tall each referred to as legs

Legs [10 in stock]

17'-6" Tall, 10'-0" Wide

25oz Black Memorable Velour

Image of the two-part black traveler shown installed in the Roberts Studio Theatre all the way upstage in the standard configuration.

2-Part Traveler [1 in stock]

Total Width 40'-0"

Travel Width 38'-0"

17'-6" Tall, 22'-0" Wide Panel A

17'-6" Tall, 20'-0" Wide Panel B

25oz Black Memorable Velour

Traveler track and pully system are available upon advance request. Assistance with installation is available.

White Cyclorama [1 in stock]

17'-6" Tall, 40'-0" Wide

Bleached White Muslin

Updated 26-January-2024 TJN (new images)